Social Emotional Development » Second Step Program

Second Step Program

Social-emotional Learning 

"Social-emotional learning (SEL) focuses on improving cooperation, communication, and decision-making. In a world where emotional intelligence is critical for lifelong happiness, successful careers, and healthier relationships, SEL gives students a framework for developing these skills" (Second Step, 2022).

"Children learn social-emotional skills in a variety of ways, including the behavior they see modeled by the adults in their lives. But social-emotional skills and concepts can also be taught explicitly in the classroom, in much the same way math or reading is taught" (Second Step, 2022). 

Second step program

Second Step delivers a holistic approach to social-emotional learning by providing SEL opportunities throughout the day and targeting all developmental stages. Second step provides evidence based kits, trainings, and online resources for both teachers and parents to guide our children's learning. Our teachers will utilize the Second Step program to cultivate learning, emotion management, friendship, problem solving, and empathy skills. Our students will then be able to reap the benefits listed on the following column. 

For more information and resources please visit Second Step

Benefits of SEL

  1. Increased self-efficacy.
  2. Ability to make and maintain friendships.
  3. Positive goal setting behaviors.
  4. Increased academic performance.
  5. Improved decision making skills.
  6. Adoption of collaborative practices.
  7. Improved behavior.
  8. Increased Empathy.
  9. Emotion Management.
  10. Emotion Recognition. 
  11. Problem-solving skills.
  12. Increased impulse control.
  13. Self-soothing behaviors.
  14. Increased ability to communicate.

(Second Step, 2022).