Events » Day of the Dead Art Festival 2021

Day of the Dead Art Festival 2021


The Day of the Dead or Dia de los Muertos is a cultural holiday that originated in Mesoamerica (Mexico and northern Central America). It is traditionally celebrated on the first two days of November. Children who have passed on are customarily remembered on November 1st, while adults who have passed are honored on November 2nd.


Day of the Dead is a celebration of life. This cultural holiday focuses on honoring and remembering family members and friends that have passed on. It is an effective way to maintain a relationship with past loved ones. It also provides children with a unique experience as they begin to comprehend the concept of death and learn positive grieving methods. 

Celebrating our Loved ones

Room 1
Room 3
Room 6


The main component of this holiday is the altar otherwise known as the "ofrenda". In remembrance of those who have passed, a portrait picture of the deceased is placed along with items they owned or enjoyed. The altar normally contains four elements, water, wind, earth, and fire. A water pitcher is placed to ease the spirits' thirst. Paper banners or "papel picado" is placed to represent wind. Food and bread is placed to represent earth. Finally, lit candles, representing fire, are placed to guide the spirits and help them find their way. 

Other important symbols include sugar skulls, monarch butterflies, and marigold flowers. Sugar skulls represent the beauty of the circle of life, the monarch is thought to hold spirits, and marigolds mark the path that lead the spirits to the cemetery. 


Celebrating our Loved ones

Room 2
Room 5

Classroom Altars

Room 1 Day of the Dead alter.
Room 2 Day of the Dead alter.
Room 3 Day of the Dead alter.
Room 5 Day of the Dead alter.
Room 6 Day of the Dead alter.

Day of the dead art festival

Our student in his Day of the Dead gear.
Our student in his Day of the Dead gear.
Our student in his Day of the Dead gear.
Our student in her Day of the Dead gear.
Our student in her Day of the Dead gear.